Maddy’s Story

Paramedical artists

In March 2017 my sister was playing with my hair when she told me I had a little bald spot on the side of my head. I found out later that she actually knew about the spot a week before but hadn't told me in case I freaked out. So, some more bald spots appear, a couple trips to the doctor and a blood test later it turns out I have Alopecia. This kinda sucked as I had spent almost $200 dying my hair blue, and now it's falling out. But c'est la vie, I cut my hair to shoulder length to put less stress on my roots, then a few weeks later cut it again to a short bob, then I shaved half my head for a time, then I shaved the other side of my head a had a mohawk for a bit, then I shaved it all off and went bald for a year(ish).



During all this my sister, and mother, and girl friends were very empathetic and very supportive. My friends had gotten their eyebrows done by Kacierainey, and who told my sister all about microbladding, so when Kacie offered a giveaway my sis sponsored me. And now I have eyebrows ¦:)